Home & Garden Catalog 2024

Fire Ant Control

Fire Ant Shield ® Mound Destroyer ® Granules

Spectracide One-Shot ® Fire Ant Killer (Granules) • O ne application controls fire ants for 3 months • N o watering necessary • C onvenient shaker bottle • For broadcast or mound treatment 0.016% Indoxacarb

Fire Ant Shield ® Yard Protection ™ Granules • Kills the queen and colony fast • S eason* long control against red imported fire ants • K ills the mound and prevents new mound formation 0.1% Lambda-Cyhalothrin

• Starts to kill in minutes • Deep-reaching formula • Kills the queen and colony 0.04% Lambda-Cyhalothrin

ITEM CASE CT UPC HG-96470 6/3.5 lb 0 71121 96470 0 HG-96471W 4/7 lb 0 71121 96471 7






HG-96849 6/1.5 lb 0 71121 96849 4 HG-96849W 4/1.5 lb 0 71121 96849 4 HG-96848 6/5 lb 0 71121 96848 7

HG-96472 4/10 lb

0 71121 96472 4


Fire Ant Facts A familiar ailment to those who go barefoot outdoors, re ants bite relentlessly when hungry or irritated, causing a burning sensation, swelling and redness. They often attack in swarms and can destroy whole ecosystems by killing other insects, birds, lizards and small mammals. These large, reddish ants multiply rapidly; queens can live up to 6 years and produce millions of eggs. Common in the Southeast and Southwest, the range of re ants is expected to extend up the Paci c coast and into Oregon and Washington over the next few years. Fire ants live in large mounds that can extend up to 18 inches above ground. It's important to treat for re ants in the morning or evening because at these times, they're closer to the surface. Use caution when treating because disturbing the mound can cause the colony to migrate elsewhere in your lawn, reducing the effectiveness of treatment. In light of the growing danger from these invasive insects, Spectracide ® brand has developed a range of formulas designed for mound treatment and yard protection.

21 spectracide.com SPECTRACIDE ® 1

POTENTIAL RED IMPORTED FIRE ANT RANGE EXPANSION Red Imported Fire Ant Survival Improbable Undetermined Possible Certain

*For up to 3 months

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