Home & Garden Catalog 2024

Insect Repellents

Protection For Any Family Adventure

IR3535 ® IR3535 ® -based insect repellents, like Repel ® Insect Repellent Family formulas (page 52), are odorless, non-greasy and feel light on the skin. Use for effective, dependable protection for the whole family that lasts up to 8 hours.

PICARIDIN For a light feel and strong protection, picaridin-based insect repellents, like Repel ® Insect Repellent Mosquito & Tick Wipes 12% Picaridin (page 52), are a good choice. Picaridin won’t damage plastics or synthetic materials, like backpacks or sporting equipment.

OLE With natural mosquito repellent properties, oil of lemon eucalyptus is one plant-based active ingredient recommended by the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention. Found in Repel ® Plant-Based Lemon Eucalyptus Insect Repellent 2 (page 53), this active ingredient lasts up to 6 hours and can be used on kids 3 years and older.

LOW DEET Recommended for long-lasting mosquito protection, DEET-based repellents are available in a wide variety of formulas and concentrations. For shorter outings, pick a repellent lower in DEET, like

REPEL ® repel.com

Repel ® Insect Repellent Scented Family Formula ® 15% DEET (page 49).


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